Saturday, January 17, 2009

BASIC WEDDING Things to do:

1. Book Church (actually, with my time frame, hopefully a church will allow me to book!)
2. Book reception venue (same as above)
3. Select entourage, ninangs (have to select because it coincides with the guest list)
4. Guest list
5. Get documents together (more about that later)

-- this is what i have so far.

Friday, January 16, 2009

First things first

I began this planning with a challenge - spend only P100,000 on my wedding. With this, i had to throw my grand images of a Manila Cathedral and Manila Ballroom reception out of the window, but i didn't let go of my dreams. I will still have my dream wedding. If i was able to find the right man after searching so long, then this dream wedding should be easy to arrange. *gulp, right?*

To figure out my priorities, i had to ask myself the question:

What are the three things i really really want to be perfect in my wedding?
1. a nice Filipinana dress (which i will wear over and over every Independence Day)
2. a really pretty ring (an eternity ring, to match my beautiful engagement ring)
3. a nice church (that we can visit again, bring the future kids to see)

Whew! That took a long time to consider.

I asked myself if food or catering was a priority, but i really don't mind where we eat as long as i am pretty.

Brainybaby (which i will christen my fiance because he is Mensan and a real genius who speaks seven (7) languages and has written three big books), just wants:
1. lechon
2. bulalo *gasp* and
3. his family to be there - all nicely clothed and made up.

Must remember to ask him what he wants... hehehe... we females do tend to dominate the wedding planning. Brainybaby says "If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you ask us what we want for our wedding, do we not have answers?" Yeah. Sometimes, the guys have preferences too.

Our priorities then?

A nice church wedding with me in a pretty dress with a pretty ring, where Brainybaby's entire family will be present and we will have bulalo and lechon.

Hmm... i wonder how this will be?

I've never really dreamt of how my wedding will be. Some dream of their wedding since childhood, some when they meet the right guy, for some like me, we don't really dream about it at all. Or maybe, since i've been engaged twice and have planned for a wedding four times (will get to that), i'm just tired and disillusioned and want to get it over and done with.

You see, Brainybaby is divorced. He's Pinoy but divorced in the states and the ex-wife is remarried. His son, lives with the mom in the states. For us to get married in the Philippines, he needed to get an annulment to marry me.

It should have been easy. The annulment takes about 9 months, but the ex-wife's greed and appetite for revenge took over most of the proceedings which extended the case to two years. Hence, i've planned a wedding about four times, in four different locations, assuming the results of the annulment. I'm hoping its for real now, because the case was closed three months ago and the judge will come out with the result within the next two weeks.

*crossing fingers and hoping for the best*

Hence, priorities have changed, in the four times i've planned the wedding. From Sanctuario de San Antonio in Forbes with a reception in Mandarin or Shangri-la, we've decided to just have it in a nice small church, a simple ceremony, and since we don't know until when this recession will be, spend only P100,000.

Where we will have it and the location, well, that's the journey this blog is going to take.

The beginning

Its done.

I said "yes" to that proverbial question of "Will you marry me?" and now, i'm planning the wedding. My wedding. Supposedly my day.

Why is it then, that i have to ask so many people for advice and why is it that i have to go through so much to get this done? I've planned multimillion dollar projects and have managed multiple teams around the globe, and why is it that its so difficult to plan this wedding?


Happily Ever After starts with Wedding Planning.
If i survive this, then i should be able to survive the marriage.